How should one make preparations for the Month of Ramadhan?
A. One should always be prepared for Maut. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said that the most intelligent person is one who makes preparations for Maut and the sojourn in Barzakh. While Ramadhaan comes once a year, Maut stalks us every moment of our life. No one knows when it will strike and snatch us from this dunya. The Mu’min’s preparation, whether for Ramadhaan or for Maut, is constant Istighfaar, constant Thikrullaah, abstention from sin and futility, following the Sunnah of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), and strict obedience to the Shariah. This should be our preparation at all times, then we shall be prepared for Ramadhaan and for any other occasion.
(Taken from: Reliable Fatwas)