Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
source: Journey Towards Allah
By Hadhrat Moulana Abdul Hamid Is’haq Saheb
Daamat Barakaatuhum
nursery school or pre-school, little children are given pictures to
colour in. If a child is given a picture of a lion, the child is not
going to be afraid by the picture of the lion. …In fact, the little
child may take a pair of scissors and poke the lion in its eye, cut off
its tail or head – and may even squash or tear the picture of the lion –
because it is just paper.
is only being presented as an analogy. It is not offering any
concession for animate pictures, which we are forbidden to draw or take
pictures of.
A picture of a lion does not create any fear or disturbance to the heart, because it is understood that that is just a picture.
Then we have the lion which is kept caged in the zoo. The authorities of the zoo keep a sign on the outside of the cage: “DO NOT INTERFERE WITH THE LION.” This is because the lion is real, and if provoked, can become very aggressive and violent.
despite the lion being a real, living lion, there is not much fear
because the lion is caged and cannot do anything much. Children are also
not scared of such a lion. In fact, some children will even throw
stones at the lion and say: ‘See, I’m so brave!’ …It matters little to
them if the lion is annoyed, because the lion is behind bars, and locked
then we have the lion who reigns as king of the jungle. The lion is
known as the king of the jungle because he overpowers all other animals.
…This lion moves freely, creating fear in animals and humans. His
supremacy is accepted by all – uncontested and unchallenged. …No one
dares to interfere or provoke this lion for fear of being the next meal
of the lion!
Considering this example, we can draw similarities to what we Muslims have become today.
Today, we are “picture Muslims”: Take a glance at the condition of the Ummah.
The land of Muslims is dyed with the blood of the Muslims.
The land of the Muslims carries the severe burden of the torture and suffering of the
tears of the Muslims have drenched their own land, whilst hundreds of
thousands of slain Muslims lie in the belly of the earth.
Muslim land has become a mass burial ground for the Muslims themselves –
whether in Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Burma, Africa or elsewhere.
…Lives are shattered and hearts weigh heavy with grief.
enemies fearlessly persecute and imprison our brothers, rape our
sisters, and merrily kill our innocent children – without care, concern
or any conscience. There is oppression, repression and injustice which
just increases and intensifies – and we are so helpless in the face of
all these trials. …There is no escaping the sight of the suffering
Ummah. We are living in a world filled with injustice and oppression.
this scenario which we are witnessing throughout the Muslim world is
the consequence of our own actions. We are to be blamed. We moved away
from Dien and we moved away from the Sunnah of our Beloved Rasul
(Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam).
is no reality of Dien in our lives; rather there is just the pursuit of
Dunya at the expense of Dien and Aakhirah. Hubbud Dunya (love of the
world) has consumed us – has made us ghaafil (negligent) and has brought
disgrace upon us. …Today, we are a feast for the enemies of Islam.
Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam) said: "The People will soon summon one another to attack you as people, when eating, invite others to share their food."
Someone asked, "Will that be because of our small numbers at that time?"
replied, "No, you will be numerous at that time: but you will be froth
and scum like that carried down by a torrent (of water), and Allah will
take the fear of you out from the hearts of your enemy and cast al-wahn
into your hearts."
Someone asked, "O Messenger of Allah, what is al-wahn?" He replied, "Love of the world and dislike of death."[1]
a “picture Muslim” will not help us - because there is no reality. In
fact, so many cannot even be recognized as “picture Muslims”. Many have
forsaken the way of Islam and have adopted the culture of the
non-Muslims: The culture of Hollywood and Bollywood.
affinity and resemblance is with our own enemies – but we don’t
recognize our enemies. And if a person does not recognize his enemy,
then what precaution will he take? …None.
Yet Allah Ta’ala has warned us, cautioned us and identified our enemies for us. ‘Fore-warned is fore-armed’. But our folly is that we see the mask of friendship, the guise of comradeship and we think these are friends.
will not be able escape the stranglehold of the disbeliever’s
oppression until we submit to Allah Ta’ala, until we conform to the
teachings of Islam and we follow the way of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu
‘alayhi wasallam).
This is the solution.
There is no other solution.
We need the reality of Islam in our lives if we want positive change. We need to become real Muslims - in the real sense of the word.
often we read of our Muslim brothers and even sisters who are
imprisoned? They are like the real lions that are caged. … So long as
they are in captivity, they cannot wield the strength that they have
been blessed with – that is, if they are obedient to Allah Ta’ala and
His Rasul (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam).
our brothers languish in the prisons of this world, many of us languish
in the prison of nafs and shaytaan – and the prisoner of nafs and
shaytaan, is more helpless than the one who is imprisoned by the enemies
of Islam.
Muslim prisoners of Guantanamo Bay and other places are Mazloom
(oppressed) – so they have Allah Ta’ala on their side, despite their
outward helplessness. The one who is a prisoner of nafs and shaytaan,
due to his sins, is deprived of Allah Ta’ala’s Mercy and assistance,
until he makes sincere Taubah.
…By Allah, we can go and stand before the United Nations – over a billion Muslims - pleading and crying for help. Help will not come. …In fact, the United Nations is no comrade and no well-wisher of the Muslims.
can turn to the governments of the world for assistance and aid, but
they cannot do anything to alleviate our plight. In fact, they desire
the destruction of the Muslim Ummah even though they show a face of
friendship and offer some superficial humanitarian aid.
have enemies on the outside, we have enemies on the inside, and we have
ourselves – and we cause more harm to ourselves than others.
need is for us – the Muslim Ummah at large - to go and stand in the
Court of Allah Ta’ala and plead to Him, cry before him and sincerely
repent for all our sins. This will invite the mercy of Allah Ta’ala.
have to turn to the government of Allah Ta’ala for aid and support - by
becoming faithful and loyal to His Government. It will only be then,
that the Muslims will find the support of Allah Ta’ala and will have
with them, the force and the power and the might of Allah Ta’ala on
their side.
With such assistance, the Muslim Ummah will then be able to overcome all its enemies.
we don’t want to change. We don’t want to mend our ways. We don’t want
to submit. …And so as long as we remain aloof of Allah Ta’ala, Allah
Ta’ala will remain aloof of us.
we have the real, living Muslim – free from the clutches of the
Kuffaar, free from the prison of nafs and shaytaan, free from the prison
of the love of this world. His connection is with the Creator of the
universe – Allah Ta’ala!
is the vicegerent of Allah Ta’ala on earth – a king without a throne
and without a crown – living and breathing in the obedience of Allah
Ta’ala and Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam). He moves in the
protection of Allah Ta’ala, and he is assisted and supported by Allah
Ta’ala – because he is the friend of Allah Ta’ala.
Nabi (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam) related a Hadith-e-Qudsi, wherein Allah Ta’ala states:
the most beloved things with which My slave comes nearer to Me, is what
I have enjoined upon him; and My slave keeps on coming closer to Me
through performing Nawaafil (praying or doing extra deeds besides what
is obligatory) till I love him, so I become his sense of hearing with
which he hears, and his sense of sight with which he sees, and his hand
with which he grips, and his leg with which he walks; and if he asks
Me, I will give him, and if he asks My protection (Refuge), I will
protect him; (i.e. give him My Refuge) …."[2]
enemies of Islam fear him because they know that he wields a power that
lays waste to their efforts to destroy the Muslims – in fact, their
efforts to destroy mankind.
wields a power that subjugates hearts to Allah Ta’ala. He is a king of
hearts, and wherever he goes, wherever he travels, the hearts of the
creation connect with Allah Ta’ala.
walks with the light of Allah Ta’ala and brightens the hearts of the
creation with the light that burns brightly in his heart – the light of
Tauheed (Oneness of Allah Ta’ala).
moths drawn to a flame, hearts are drawn to the fire of Allah Ta’ala’s
Love which burns strongly in his heart, and hearts are ignited with
Divine Love.
The enemies fear him, whilst others love him. He benefits the creation and he guides them. He
carries with him a key of unique composition – The key of Ma’rifat
(recognition of Allah Ta’ala) and Ishq (Intense Love) - given by Allah
Ta’ala – which unlocks the hearts, and which releases us from the prison
of nafs and shaytaan, and makes us like the free, living lions in the
jungles …
a different level, if the real Muslim engages the enemy in battle, he
comes forth fearless of death – seeking death. This is a lion. How many
of us have this kind of spirit? How many of us have the lion's courage?
…Look at the Mujahideen: Allahu Akbar! They seek the honour of
martyrdom, because they understand the reality of this worldly life.
They have certainty of the Aakhirah and they seek it.
run away; we shy away – we want to escape because we are not real
Muslims; rather we have become cowards. May Allah Ta’ala have mercy upon
us and forgive us and guide us and make us true, real Muslims.
bears testimony to such men who walked on the earth, free, and
supported by Allah Ta’ala in every way: Hadhrat Hamza (Radiyallahu’anhu)
was “Asadullah” (The lion of Allah Ta’ala), Hadhrat Khalid bin Waleed (Radiyallahu’anhu) was “Saifullah”(The
Sword of Allah Ta’ala), Hadhrat Umar (Radiyallahu’anhu) was such a
unique personality that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam) said: “O
Ibn Khattaab, by the Divine Being in whose hand is my life, if shaytaan
sees you walking on any road, he will leave that road and walk on
another road.”
is narrated that on one occasion, the emperor Heraclius addressed a
delegation of Sahaba-e-Kiraam (Radiallahu’anhum) and asked them for a
description of the character of the ruling Khalifah, Hadhrat Umar
(Radhiyallahu anhu). A Sahabi – illiterate, simple in dress and
demeanour, replied: “He neither deceives nor can he be deceived.”
…In one, single statement he presented the character of the Khalifah in
the most befitting manner. The emperor was left awestruck upon this
The emperor then addressed his courtiers and noblemen and said: “These
two qualities in their leader have established his authority on the
land: The entire world cannot oppose a man in whom these two qualities
exist. That he does not deceive clearly indicates that he is a man of
exceptional piety and piety is the crown of kingship. That he cannot be
deceived clearly indicates that he is a man of great intelligence. A man
blessed with such piety and intelligence will dominate and rule over
all the Sahaba-e-Kiraam (Radiallahu ’anhum) were like the lions who are
free and they were people, whom Allah Ta’ala established as His
vicegerents on earth. …Allah Ta’ala’s assistance was with the
Sahaba-e-Kiraam (Radiallahu ’anhum) wherever they went – because they
were obedient to Allah Ta’ala and His Messenger (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi
the Ummah strives to be like the Sahaba-e-Kiraam (Radiallahu ’anhum),
there would be a revolution in this world, success will follow the
Muslims wherever they go, and the forces of Kufr will be subjugated for
we need to start with ourselves. We need to make this effort on
ourselves – to free ourselves from the shackles of nafs and shaytaan,
and this will only be so when we give up sins and strive in the
obedience of Allah Ta’ala and bring alive, in our lives, the beautiful
it is by virtue of the Suhbat of the Friends of Allah Ta’ala, that we
will be successful in this endeavour. We too will find freedom and we
too will become the friends of Allah Ta’ala. We will become real
Muslims. We will be a force to be reckoned with, Insha-Allah.
[1] Abu Dawud and Ahmad
[2] Sahih Bukhari
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