Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem
source: Al Haadi
The manner in which we live nowadays, where with the types of
advertising, we want a new car, a new house, new furniture, etc. So we
then go and ask the banks, whereas we could suffice with lesser than
that. Now this is how the banks thrive. They thrive on our greed. If we
live just to our needs then the banks will have no business. What we
need is contentment and the satisfaction of the heart. Look at the
labourers we have. They enjoy life and appreciate the R 100 or R 200
that they earn for the day. They have this contentment. If we have this
mindset then we will be happy for everyone. We should learn the masnoon
du‘aa: “Allahummaghfir lee zambee wa wassi’ lee khuluqee wa tayyib
lee kasbee wa qanni’nee bema razaqtani wa laa tuzhib talabee ilaa
shay’in sarraftahu ‘anni”. The meaning of “wa wassi’lee khuluqee”
is: broaden my chest i.e. I will be able to accommodate all situations
and have a broad charisma. For example, the daughter lost her husband.
Now you do not feel that I have to sit for four months with my daughter
and I have to take care of her. Instead you will understand that the
best sadaqah is money spent on the daughter that has come back to your
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