Thursday, 12 June 2014

Special Guidelines

Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem

source: Journey of Love

Special Guidelines for those performing Hajj and Umrah

From the noble teachings of our Shaykh and Mentor, Aarif Billah Hazrat-e-Aqdas Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb  (Daamat Barakaatuhum)

1.   One should safeguard one’s gaze. In other words, do not look at any man or woman with lustful gazes. People from all around the world are present at the Holy Sanctuaries of the Haramayn Sharifayn. Therefore, one should always be alert and on one’s guard not to glance at any ghayr-mahram, even from the corner of one’s eyes.

When leaving home, one should leave with this firm intention : ‘I will not cast evil glances at anyone.’ Over and over again, one should renew this intention in one’s heart or else the nafs will involve one in casting evil glances.

2.   One should safeguard one’s heart. Meaning one should not entertain evil desires in the heart. Neither should one derive unlawful pleasure from fantasizing about unlawful beauties. Similarly, one should not recall and reminisce past sins and derive pleasure therefrom. If, however, evil thoughts do come into the heart and mind, then one should remember one important point:

If thoughts come on their own, then there is no sin in this. However, if one intentionally fantasizes and brings evil thoughts into the heart, then this is a sin. Occupying oneself in evil thoughts and fantasies is sinful.

3.   Physically, one should not come close to any ghayr-mahram or handsome lads (such lads who are beardless and one is sexually attracted to them).

4.  One should abstain from unnecessary conversation. Busy oneself with useful and beneficial activities such as Tawaaf, Tilawah, Durood Shareef. If one feels tired, then one should look at the Ka`bah Shareef. (This is also an Ibaadah and a means of attaining spiritual reward).

5.    One should not debate over controversial issues, neither should one get into arguments.

6. During Tawaaf, one should not look at the Ka`bah Shareef. When addressing the King, it is disrespectful to stare at him.

7.    If one’s glances unintentionally fall upon a ghayr-mahram woman and the heart becomes attracted to her, then meditate upon the fact that she is the guest of Allah Ta’ala and due to this she is more worthy of respect than one’s own mother.

If one’s gaze unintentionally falls upon her in Madina Munawwarah, then meditate that she is the guest of Allah Ta’ala as well as the guest of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi waSallam).

Similarly, if one’s gaze unintentionally falls upon a young lad and the heart becomes attracted towards him then one should meditate that he is more worthy of respect than even one’s father. This is because, in Makkah Mukarramah, those who are there are the special guests of Allah Ta’ala, and in Madina Munawwarah, they are the special guests of Allah Ta’ala as well as Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi waSallam).

8.  If one becomes inconvenienced in any way in the Haramayn Shareefayn, then one should never complain. Imagine that those who are in the Haramayn are princes and royalty. All they have to do is perform one Tawaaf and ask for forgiveness from Allah Ta’ala. We are not even equal to the dust which settles upon their feet.

9.   If the food is not to one’s liking, then one should not complain about it. One person had complained, saying : “The yoghurt of Madina Munawwarah is too sour, whereas the yoghurt of India is sweet.” He saw Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi waSallam) in his dream telling him immediately leave Madina Shareef. One should perceive everything of the Haramayn with eyes of respect, reverence and love. One should not find faults.

10. One should consider oneself a servant and not one who deserves to be served. One should be a means of giving comfort to others and consider serving them one’s honour.

11. When the gaze falls upon the Ka`bah Shareef for the first time, then one should ask Allah Ta’ala to grant His Sublime Being. Ask Allah Ta’ala to grant you Himself. Supplicate to Allah Ta’ala, saying : ‘O Allah Ta’ala, I am unworthy and underserving but You are Kareem, You are the One Who grants to even the unworthy.’

12.    If one happens to see a dream then one should not mention it to anyone other than one’s Shaykh. If one’s Shaykh is not there, then one should mention it to a caring friend who has understanding of Deen. One should not mention one’s dream to just anybody.

13.   Those who are performing Hajj and Umrah should take great care that even one breath should not be taken in the disobedience of Allah Ta’ala.

May Allah Ta’ala grant us all the ability to practise upon the above-mentioned guidelines.

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