Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Moulana Thanwi Rahmatullah alayh said there isn't a single Aayat, a single Hadith in which there isn't Tasawwuf but He says people haven't understood Tasawwuf. What many people; even good, learned people understand Tasawwuf to be? Karaamat. What is karaamat? Honor, Allah gave you honor. But technically we say, karaamat, something out of the ordinary. Like if we have to hear somebody; there's some Buzurg and he flies in the air, all of us will say, "we must go make his ziyaarat, what a great Buzurg!" But the fly also flies in the air and nobody will say a fly is a big Buzurg and "Mr fly please I want to become Bay'at with you, you will give me Ma'rifat of Allah you will teach me, that you fly in the air, what a big Buzurg!" or a mosquito, hey, infact you kill the flies and mosquitoes and if karaamat is to walk on the water, then a fish swims in and how it swims also. So that is also nothing, if we hear some Buzurg is walking on the water, hey he's a great Buzurg man, but it's nothing that.
What is Tasawwuf? Moulana Thanwi Rahmatullah alayh said that Ma'loomat; what you know; Ma'loomaat, make it Ma'moolaat; practice on it. That is all what Tasawwuf is, that you have to practice on it.
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